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After School Care

Walnut Grove School provides after-school care services to meet the needs of our parents who work late.  Students are fed a snack and kept in a safe location to be assisted with homework.  Upon completion of homework, students are engaged in a variety of fun activities.  This service is provided for students ages 4 years old through grade six.   

Hours of Operation:
After School Care students will report to the lunchroom upon the dismissal of school to receive a snack. All students must be picked up by 5:30 p.m. at the front entrance of the building. Failure to pick up students promptly will result in a fine and/or termination of services. The fine is $1.00 for every minute late. If the student is picked up late three times, he/she will be removed from the program.

Fees and Payment:
If your child needs to attend the After-School Care Program, proper paperwork will need to be completed and the cost will be $15.00 per single day or $55 per week. Additional siblings (more than one child attending daycare) are at a rate of $45 per week (2 children $100 per week total). Students who are not enrolled full-time may attend on a drop-in basis for a rate of $15 per day.

Fees are due on Friday of each week and will be considered late after Monday of the following week. A late fee of $5.00 per child will be charged if payment is not received the week of service provided. Children will be dismissed from the program after two weeks of non-payment of fees. Checks should be made payable to Walnut Grove School.  It is the responsibility of the parent to have correct change when making cash payments. Returned checks will be turned over to Check Redi Payment Services. Delinquent accounts will be turned over to the Madison County District Attorney's office for collection. Abuse of the fee collection process may result in dismissal of services.

Payment Schedule


Registration Fee (Annual)

5 Days per week


1 child




2 children




3 children




To register for daycare, please request registration materials from Mr. Johnson. 


Contact Us

Mickey Johnson
After School Care Director